Your Lake, Your Newspaper

Mountainside Library Hosts Fundraising Sale July 13

Mountainside Library Hosts Fundraising Sale July 13 July 10, 2024
Mountainside Library is located at 3090 State Route 9-L, Lake George, a quarter mile north of Bay Road.
Mountainside Library is located at 3090 State Route 9-L, Lake George, a quarter mile north of Bay Road.

The historic Mountainside Library in Dunham’s Bay will hold its annual book sale on Saturday, July 13, from 9 am to 4 pm.

Lake George area residents and visitors are invited to come browse, chat with your neighbors and find bargain prices on books of all kinds — popular best-sellers, hardbacks, paperbacks, fiction, non-fiction, biography, history, crime/mystery, travel, regional, cooking, children’s books and more! 

You can also buy baked goods to help support this volunteer-run library, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. 

The sale is the library’s major source of funding and helps keep the book inventory up to date. Mountainside is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and was honored this year to be the recipient of proceeds from the second annual Bill Dow Memorial Golf Tournament, held in May. Mr. Dow was an avid supporter of this community library, which serves its patrons 365 days a year.

At this year’s sale, the library is offering books and baked goods only — no other items, no kitchen equipment, no clothing, no furniture, no toys. Come for the books, stay for the treats.

For early birds: Come on Friday, July 12, from 4  to 7 pm to get a jump on the sale for a $5 admission fee. Saturday admission is free.

To reach the library, plug in “3090 State Route 9-L, Lake George, NY 12845.” Mountainside is located on 9-L, just a quarter mile north of the Bay Road. Rain or shine.

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